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Dontcha Hate It

By Monday, April 19, 2010

Dontcha Hate It . . .

When you're not prepared.
When you walk around all day with your fly unzipped.
When you truly can't control how many oreos you eat.
When you lie down to take a nap but can't fall asleep.
When you can't articulate what you're trying to say.
When the washer destroys your favorite tanktop.
When you miss your roomie [A.Payne]
When you're a just a pathetic flirter.
When you have horrible B.O. but no one says, "Gurrrl, get that unda control!"
When the showers don't work in the quad and you really would like to take a shower.
When you wait for something, just to find out that it's not there.
When you think something is good, just to find out that it's actually horrible.
When you have $11.03 in your bank account.
When you listen to that amazing song over and over again . . . and then it gets old and you hate it.

When you know something . . . or someone . . is not good for you, but you still want it . . . or them . . . anyway?

Funny how that last one gets me.
Ben Rector, in his song, "Hesitate" puts it perfectly.

The human heart is a scary part in fact
'Cause I could break you and you could break me back
Though my head says just forget it
You'll get hurt and you'll regret it
Ask me now and I won't hesitate

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