a creation for commencement
This thing called
A place where we are supposed to develop in
Happened here in
But I am a pool next to the lapping waves of the sandy beach,
Nice enough but
So tell me
When did the flickers of inner reflection
Become too bright and start to blind
Me and you
Dulling us to the deafening cry of
Unheard hearts but
Beckoning us toward this new beginning
While bowing
To the bittersweet paradox
We call
They are telling us to
Look at what is ahead.
But what if I
Focused on what’s
In front
Of me.
Clasp the hand that is two inches from my face
Despite the darkness of my destination
I will embrace
The tender touch of today
Because soon everything I know
Will change
This moment will never be paired with
This thing we call
“The Same”
But your bravery will be bookended
By sweet memories.
A library
Filled with novels of
Late nights. Pages of
Good decisions
And words incomprehensible due to teardrops called
Bad decisions
That beautifully decorate your
Chapters of change
That gave way to
Lines of laughter
To create space for
Paragraphs of pain
Only to include
A prologue of prayer
And finally
An epilogue of enjoyment.
So we will fade west
With the setting of the sun
But don’t let your smile
Wane with the moon
Because without this good-bye
We could never say,
I’ll see you soon.