dear stream of consciousness, in questions.
dear senior year,
when did you get here? and why did you have to come so fast? and who let the freshman version of me decide my future by investing a crap ton of money into the one major that I don't even want to do anymore? Oopie. Can I get a refund? Who on this earth truly thinks I'm mature enough to be out in the real world anyway? Isn't this supposed to be the time of my life that I'm supposed to have it all together? Ha. That statement is about as funny as the joke about the chicken who crossed the road. I'll make it to the other side eventually. But holy cow am I looking forward to you. Senior year, I will prematurely dub you the greatest of all years thus far. I can see you are already full of great friends and a new way of doing things - new priorities. Thank you for the blank canvas, senior year. It's given me hope.
it's been a great ride and I am going to miss you dearly. Yes, there are some silly things about you, like the caf and the lifestyle covenant and the ridiculously awful housing and student development... so it's a good thing that there are great people who love Jesus that populate your halls and great professors that make the classrooms come alive and memories that are cemented in my mind on every corner. Worth every penny. But tabor college, I want to thank you. You were the last place I wanted to be but you were the very place I needed to be. Funny how that works out. The Lord must know what He's doing.
i wish I knew where you were headed. but I guess that's the thing about faith. I won't stumble upon my future without faith. Or my faith without a future. But I know the truth. The Lord's got a plan and I just have to walk with Him and He will lead me there - wherever 'there' is. A year from now? Who knows where I will be, what I will be doing. I would like to still be writing. Not teaching. Yet. Grad school? Publishing/Editing? Emerson in Boston sounds nice. Chicago sounds nice. Texas is also home. Anywhere but Oklahoma. What if I could be a writer for a traveling magazine. Shauna Niequist's assistant? That would blow my mind. God's got big plans. But I have this feeling that wherever I'm going to be a year from now, if you tried to tell me now, I would look at you like you were an alien.