running in the wrong direction
Week 7. Went Hard.
This week? Tough, but incredible.
Sadly, I'm going to have to make this a short one because of my time crunch, but no worries . . . I can always elaborate later! :)
Going into this week, I was reading in Nehemiah and came across 4:14, which says, "Do not be afraid . . . Remember the Lord, who is great and awesome, and who fights for you . . ." My prayer for this week was that the Lord would show me what it looks like to fight for my girls.
And He definitely showed up with boxing gloves.
To be specific and short, the Lord used campers this week to show me what it looks like to be unwilling to surrender and apathetic toward sin and the Lord . . . girls who were running as fast and hard as they could in the wrong direction.
And it broke my heart because I got a taste of how the Lord feels when I don't take sin seriously, take advantage of his love, and run as hard and fast as I can - in the wrong direction.
All week I felt like I was swinging with my entire body, trying to break down walls, and having only more built up. At the end of the week, I was TIRED of fighting the lies, simply because I just saw more being replaced as I punched and punched and punched. Satan wants me to believe it was useless . . . but I know because of who my God is, my fight for my girls is never in vain.
The Lord used this week to show me that He never grows weary of pursuing us. He is always pursuing our hearts, no matter how quickly we build up our walls, or how fast we run away.
I love that He never grows weary of chasing after me . . .
This week:
Word of the Week: LISTEN.
(explanation to come later)
Love ya'll. My encouragement for anyone reading this (cricket, cricket... like 2 people. HaHa) is take a moment, stop, and ask yourself, "which direction am I running?"
Okay so this post totally broke my heart! I'm so sorry for your hard week. But don't ever think that you aren't any help because I know that last year when I was in your cabin you were a great help to me and an awesome influence in my life! I love ya girlie and I'm praying for you hard core!