playing catch-up.
dear finals,
you are getting so old. just like my brain. i would like to trade in a stress-free young adult life for this higher education thing they call learning.
dear four hours of sleep in two days,
you suck. literally. the life out of me.
dear coffee,
you have magic motivating powers. i'm still not sure how I got all of those paper done.
dear phil wickham,
your new album is fan-freakin-tastic. your voice is so sweet and smooth at 7:00 a.m. thank you for using your gift for the one true God and getting me focused on the right thing in the morning.
dear pizza hut large pepparoni/sausage pizza,
you are delicious when eaten Yes, I am a fattie but I am grateful for you because you got me through finals week.
dear future steel magnolias play,
i am beyond excited to get to be a part of you. who stinkin' knew i would be doing a play in college?! here's to new and exciting things. you rock.
dear babysitting and awesome Lydia Jane,
thank you for being so patient when I put your diaper on backwards. I was in a hurry because you smelled. bad. If you could talk, I bet you would have raised your cute baby fists and said, "I am woman, smell me poop!"
dear history 101 at 1 a.m.,
you are the hilarious intermission I needed to adequately finish writing my english seminar paper. thank you for the stand-up comedy, dillon.
dear timmy tebow,
its only a matter of time before fate aligns true love. you +me=us. i've always had a thing for quarterbacks.
dear christmas banquet with the SSS club,
talking in accents is so fun, especially when you are with your best friends. i love nights out with the girls, because if guys were there, we couldn't do what we did. i love you all.
dear gingy-house decorating,
your icing loves to stick to my hands, which is fine by me because I like to eat you. nomnomnomnom. also, twizzlers taste better than they look on my house. hands down.
dear late night pajama friends,
you are hilarious and awesome on the top floor of the Tabor College Library. Here's to making history and staying all night in the library... well, almost.
dear cinderella,
i wrote a paper about you. in it, i said you ruined every woman on this planet. don't take it personal. you were just the exception. the rest of us are the rule.
dear fake names and fake stories,
you are seriously the best for celebrating. especially with my best friends Jennifer and Rebecca. (Jordan/Katie). so many one-liners written on a wide napkin under the even wider night sky and as it grew, so did our smiles because i just quit my job, you are taking a sick day, and memories were made. the best part about being irresponsible is who you are irresponsible with. i'd pick you both everytime.
dear red sparkly nail polish,
thank you for making me feel like I was in kindergarten again. i could stare at your for hours, just fanscinated, waving my fingers.
dear same outfit I wore yesterday,
you sure are awkwardly conveinent when I wake up at 7:45 when my final is at 8:00. i hope you were good luck.
dear wonderful friends Colin, Michael, and Kruzen,
you are men. with golden hearts. thanks for always looking out for me. even when i am irresponsible and dumb. i owe you all. but i don't owe you a couch. so bring ours back, please and thank you.
dear last india meeting before we actually go,
you are scary awesome. you were like a slap in the face and a shoulder shaking "THIS IS REAL LIFE!"
dear christmas banquet dance,
the only thing that was bad about you was that my dress couldn't keep up with my dance moves. who knew Hugh could breakdance? weird how i'm learning something new everyday.
dear late night guitar jam sesh, i may only know four chords well, but i've got a voice and a soul full of gratefulness. i need to sing to my Lord for my sanity.
dear mackenzie,
you are a true friend, even in my dramatic-ness. thank you for coming to my rescue and bringing me that fun fun fun rice bag.
dear jason aldean pandora station,
you make packing for christmas break so fun. and i hate packing. gracias, cowboy.
dear nun bun,
you are the greatest/most attractive accessory to my sweat pants during finals. i love you.
dear aging English professor,
i understand you don't like that i wore sweats to your class, but slamming my appearance in front of every one was not so Jolly-Saint-Nick. Are you Mrs. Scrooge? Because two days later you said I have "the gift of gab." Now I just am confused. Is this your sense of humor or sense of self-esteem improvement? Either way, you made me laugh.
dear writing in my journal and Jesus time,
i need you. now. so badly. i have really missed you. Thank goodness for time during Christmas break. Lord, I need you to empty myself and fill me up until I overflow with you.
dear mercy,
i marvel at who you are.
i take you for granted.
i abuse this privaledge.
i don't give you away enough.
i got lost, so thank you for never letting me go.