joshua bennett on love
If you don't know who Joshua Bennett is, you need to introduce yourself.
Because when you do, you will be introducing yourself to a blessing that comes with words.
Genius words.
Someone asked him, "How do you describe falling in love to someone who has never been in love?"
This was his answer:
Love, as I now imagine it, would have less to do with falling, per se, and more to do with forgiveness. I hope to be loved in a way that does not flinch at the sight of my flaws, that persists even when I’m at my least bearable. I haven’t really seen that yet in a romantic relationship. That’s not to say I haven’t dated some kind, caring women in my life, to say that would be disingenous. What I am saying, though, is that I cannot remember being in a romantic situation where I was willing to give my all for my partner, to sacrifice everything for her benefit. This is the sort of love I aspire towards now. The kind outlined in Ephesians 5:25, which states: “Husbands, love your wives, just as Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her.” To love someone that much is difficult for me to fathom now, but I imagine will become easier over time, with prayer and growth. At times, the phrase “falling in love” sounds a bit too accidental for my liking. As for me, I’d rather leap into love, and stay there.