the vibe
My friends tell me,
Sarah, if you want to find a man
You need to put out the vibe
The what?
I reply
You know, the vibe, they say
The one that shows you’re ready to play
The one that says your single and ready to mingle
The one that says you’re interested
In what he has to offer you
I say
So that’s what I’m supposed to do
But Houston, we have a problem
My flirting ability is as smooth as sandpaper
Slowly sliding across your face
And awkward like aliens
Visiting the earth from outer space
And I lack the necessary aim
To hit on him
To begin this ridiculous game
Forgive me
I have been terribly mistaken
For a second I thought I was in college
Where we could be honest
And simultaneously acknowledge
That you like me
And I like you
But we’re still wearing diapers of dependence
Because we crap ourselves if we can’t find
And heaven forbid
If we put our feelings in our toes
And our toes on the line
But never say
The thing in between you and me
Is a plus sign
That equals
Two letters not spelled in the foreign language of flirtation
But a single word
That is clear
That admonishes all fear of rejection
And gives birth to an unconditional affection
A kind of devotion
Rooted in the soil of friendship
The soft sound of the guitar
That sweetly sings the melody of our DTR
And the kind of talking
That goes beyond texting
So baby I hope you know your A,B, C’s
Because you’ve got to spell it out for me
But the following, until you make a move
Will simply have to do
I like you.
Snap snap snap snap snap snap!