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if i was noah webster

By Tuesday, November 08, 2011

If I was Noah Webster
I would have had the blind write the definition for
Because if the masters of Braille
Were entrusted with the duty
Of labeling beauty
Maybe our world would look a little different
Maybe I
Would look a little different.
So if Beauty resides in the eye
Of the beholder
We all need corrective lenses.
Because we’re all pupils
Of what others say is beautiful
But I’m tired of learning;
And I’m finally done searching

Because I found Beauty
On the corner of Lies & Loneliness
Prostituting her character
But only growing in bitterness
She’s best friends with
Backstabbing Bulimia
And Beauty intimately knows Insecurity
She has permanent ties to
Too skinny
Too wide
Too outgoing
Too shy
Too much
Not enough
Don’t be tender
Just be tough
Beauty set sail on the pursuit of perfection
Moved along by the winds of what she wished she looked like
With make-up in her right hand
And a curling iron in the other
But those things made poor paddles
When flawless features eventually failed
And her boat began to sink,
Leaving her
Shipwrecked on shore
Forcing her to face
Who she was before
She gave lies a voice.
Before Expectations
Told her she didn’t have a choice
But things are never clear
When Beauty stands in front of the mirror
But Truth has 20/20 vision
And when asked
“What makes a girl beautiful?”
His reply surpasses the clique answers of confidence
And instead dives deeper than the three layers of skin
Beauty’s made her home in.
He says,
Beautiful is when
You can set her soul next to a sunset
And see that Jesus painted both.
Beautiful is when
She wears her mistakes
But doesn’t live in them
Because she
Intimately know the God of grace
Beautiful is when
She see her scars as stories worth telling
And she uses her healing as a way of helping
And when
Wrinkles cover her face
Because a lifetime of laughter and joy
Has put happiness in its proper place.
And beautiful is when
A woman of the Lord
Carries her cross daily
And knows that the One who gave Himself up for her
Loves her greatly
Charm is deceptive
And beauty is fleeting
But a woman who fears the Lord
Is one worth keeping
COPYRIGHT - SARAH WYCKOFF____________________________
Author's note:
Please do not perform for public audience, i.e. as talent for pageant, poetry contest, or for talent show. Under copyright law, this is considered infringement. However, I do not mind if this is shared in small groups, i.e. Bible studies, youth groups, nonprofit use, and/or spiritual encouragement. Thank you for your understanding!

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  1. This.. put me to tears... I fell in love with this at the first line. My English teacher showed me this sight and I'm absolutely in awe! It's exactly the kind of meditation I needed to end my day, and this... this is beautiful

  2. This is so incredible beautiful, thank you

  3. wow. i love this.
