merchant street
Hello strangers, hello impromptu poetry night. You're pretty cool, can I tell you about the Lord in a rhyming fashion?
Tonight, I parked on Merchant Street. Walked into something new and ordered a butterscotch latte. I sat down on the couch, an hour from home, and stared and strangers and said to them, "I don't want to be hitting you over the head with a Bible, but I just love the Lord."
Things to do:
Grow in boldness. Don't water down what you believe. Tell people about the joy you've found without apologies.
A voice emerged from the crowd and said, "Girl, please do!"
Maybe these people want to know. Dear Self, stop being so skeptical and hesitant.
I'm feeling a new beginning here. I"m feeling a sense that this couldn't have come from another source than the Lord. Grow in confidence - not in your abilities or gifts, but in the Giver of those gifts. And His calling.
Strangers are here. One with a sweatsuit. One with a red hat and slightly showing midrift. One with khaki pants. Laptops, journals, scribbled documented souls. The beginning of something. Don't worry about holding a candle to the competition --- just remember you're holding a candle. Don't let it burn out.
Grow in boldness. Don't water down what you believe. Tell people about the joy you've found without apologies.
A voice emerged from the crowd and said, "Girl, please do!"
Maybe these people want to know. Dear Self, stop being so skeptical and hesitant.
I'm feeling a new beginning here. I"m feeling a sense that this couldn't have come from another source than the Lord. Grow in confidence - not in your abilities or gifts, but in the Giver of those gifts. And His calling.
Strangers are here. One with a sweatsuit. One with a red hat and slightly showing midrift. One with khaki pants. Laptops, journals, scribbled documented souls. The beginning of something. Don't worry about holding a candle to the competition --- just remember you're holding a candle. Don't let it burn out.
Dear Maria Loewen,
Our blooming friendship is the kind that puts a spring in my step.
You're incredible. I hope you know that. You're an encourager. And the two hours of girl talk was just what my heart needed. To discuss, to share, to relate, to laugh.
The best part is that I get to go to India with you. Oh.So.Stinkin.Soon.
Let's each lots of curry and make our stomachs hurt. But your heart for the Lord --- so refreshing. I cannot wait to see how our friendship grows. I can't wait for it to get warmer again so we can talk about the stars while we actually look at them. You are a raging fan of my poetry, but I'm a raging fan of you, sister.
Our blooming friendship is the kind that puts a spring in my step.
You're incredible. I hope you know that. You're an encourager. And the two hours of girl talk was just what my heart needed. To discuss, to share, to relate, to laugh.
The best part is that I get to go to India with you. Oh.So.Stinkin.Soon.
Let's each lots of curry and make our stomachs hurt. But your heart for the Lord --- so refreshing. I cannot wait to see how our friendship grows. I can't wait for it to get warmer again so we can talk about the stars while we actually look at them. You are a raging fan of my poetry, but I'm a raging fan of you, sister.
I have created in my busyness.
I will never forget the tears that I cried when I was laughing so hard beause Lamar and Tristan were singing araoke. What.In.The World.
It's worth staying up until 1:30 to remember.