genesis 2:25
"And the man and his wife were both naked and were not ashamed."
Dear Future Hubbie,
If love is a season of life,
I hope to fall for you as gracefully as autumn.
Because if this is a season about surrender,
Let's unselfishly give our lives over to endless hibernation
Blanketed in each other's arms.
Let's grow together
As we
Die together;
Just like the leaves -
Noble souls who go down in blazing oranges and deep reds,
But who are courageously stoic in the face of change.
Simply because change is all its love-blind eyes have ever seen.
So when winter strips us bare,
Down to our naked limbs,
My fingers will let go of these fig leaves because
You're my Adam and I'm your Eve
And even though this place is anything but Eden,
Our souls will stand before each other
Just like life was
Before the fall.