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Document Life

By Sunday, November 20, 2011

My philosophy about life:
If I'm going to document my life, I'd better live in such a way that is worth remembering.
And I'm choosing to believe that the only way I can live a life that is worth being remembered is if I don't live it for myself, but for someone who has conquered time as well as death.

And if I'm going to share my life, I'd better share all of it. Because if I only share the good parts, well then, wouldn't I be misrepresenting what life is really like? Oh the joys and heartaches of transparency. The pages of your heart that seem to be ripped out by others when you are an open book. But maybe living transparently is all about letting light shine through you and into their darkness. Maybe living transparently is all about offering hope to others and the feeling you can give another person by simply saying, "you are not alone. I've been there. I know how lonely that feels, I know how dark that is, I know how deep that well despair echoes" or on the happier side of things- "I know how wonderful it is to be with that one person, I know how admiration and respect can penetrate so deeply you cannot find adequate words to express them, and in that short coming you feel like you owe that person you admire and respect an apology because you cannot, for the life of you, give them the proper applause you know they deserve."

Today, I'm grateful for
-a safely returned Ruthie.
-practical jokes of snipe hunting and gullible me.
-that I do not have to be flawless to be faithful.

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