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expectation & reality: a dinner dialogue

By Thursday, March 29, 2012

Guest post by: Sarah "Speedoo Redoo" Wyckoff

Once upon a time two friends, Expectation and Reality, met for a nice dinner at Chick-Fila (because that’s where all the Christians go) to talk about working at summer camp. The conversation went like this:

Expectation said,
“I can’t wait to have a unified cabin every week, full of nice kids who love camp so much they cheer in their sleep, and win the spirit stick every day!”

Reality replied:
“Do you really think this is Burger King camping where you can have it your way? Not so, my friend. You will have many campers and maybe even entire cabins who refuse to cheer, participate, smile, clean, listen, and continue to talk after lights out, and – dare I even say it –jump during club. Think creatively with an inclusive mindset and start praying for patience and wisdom now.

Expectation said,
“I can’t wait to love my campers!”

Reality replied,
“I don’t want to be Pessimistic Polly, but the fall of man thing slightly screwed up the universe, so now people aren’t exactly easy to love. Especially many of the campers God will give you this summer. If you try to pour into your kids from your own love reservoir, you will dry up quickly on day one. Continuously ask Jesus to help you love with His love. Christ has never found anyone too hard to love, so with the Spirit, go and love likewise.

Expectation said,
“I can’t wait to be the most amazing counselor ever!”

Reality replied,
“I’m sure you’re going to be fantastic – but not because you’re awesome, but because the Wonderful Counselor living inside of you is awesome. You are going to fail miserably time after time because you are human, but take heart – God never fails. He will continue use you, even in your most unglamorous, unsuccessful, weak moments. Rejoice in that truth because it sets you free. Confide in and wholeheartedly trust your Senior Counselors – this will be a tremendous encouragement.

Expectation said,
“I am sure I will be tired at some point.”

Reality replied,
“Tired is a nice word your grandma and her friends use after a nice afternoon stroll in the park with their orthopedic shoes.
You won’t be tired; you will be exhausted – physically, mentally, and emotionally.
You won’t be stretched or spread thin; you will be broken.
But don’t worry, God will sustain you – but this sustaining may just occur amidst exhaustion. Be prepared to shake hands with the end of yourself weekly, daily, and even hourly.

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