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hazelnut cream candles

By Thursday, October 06, 2011

today, i'm grateful for:

The way sweet, dark coffee swims down the slide of my throat and splashes into my soul
Awakening me to new truths and encouragement found in the scripted words of Romans.
Thank you, Paul.

hazelnut cream candles &
the sisterhood I have here in this sweet, old creaky house. Jamming out to "Hold On" by Wilson Phillips in the living room. Impromptu dance parties to"Take My Breath Away." Cheering up over grades that don't matter because G.P.A. is a number that won't matter in May.

I love,
what teaching someone else will do in you.

girl nights with kelsey mann, sharing a bag of hickory bbq chips. the air infiltrated by a tiny army of oxygen men that smell like fingernail polish remover. new neon colors and glittery purple. our fingernails resemble the tiny decorated keratin of a kindergarten girl. I won't grow up if you promise not to either.

nights in, on the couch.
zac efron & white tees & leather jackets & aviators.

sticky notes on windows that say "hello, sarah"

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