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inhale october first

By Saturday, October 01, 2011

My skin got a taste of the air it is will get to inhale in heaven.

the fall perfect weather &
my big black chair appropriately planted in my back yard.
surprise hobby lobby gift cards and funny texting convos--

Me: "Jon & Shinae are so grown up. Give me at least 10 years."
Mom: "Money runs out in May. Dad says you have 8 months."
Me: "Dang it. Start praying for a job."
Mom: "Dad says, Job or Rich Man -- Praying for both."
Me: "pahahahhahah"
Mom: "Shinae says --- Mr. Right better be Mr. Rich!"

Reason 123,490,830,429 why my family is the best ^

Serenaded by
Joshua Radin's "when you find me"

laughing to
an old man drive by in a red electric car that could fit in my closet.
& Don Quixote--- why didn't I read you earlier? you make me LOL.

there is something about
sleeping in on Saturday mornings and the sun
being my gentle alarm clock; he silently creeps in through the shades.
an unwelcome visitor but the sweetest face to wake up to.

time with the Lord in the backyard,
Him proving His love as the blue skies endlessly fly and expand overhead,
and expand just the same below, in my lap, expand through words and scripture.
must highlight. do-not-forget. apply-to-life. love more. extend grace. forgive because you have been forgiven much.

my closed eyelids, praying. warmed by the love the Lord extends in the heat of the Sun (Son).
so they peel back, pupils see the white underbellies of birds.
in my head I find myself hoping that those two-winged fellas won't send the unnecessary extra of their breakfast down.

I'm finding that
Colossians and Coffee is the Best Combination

And a relaxing weekend at home allows me to
ponder possibilities.
so much can change in a year. so much can happen in a year. where will I be?

The quiet chirps of birds are my Pandora.
The breeze races along my cheeks and then stops to catch its breath.
My mind says to me: "Take a picture of the college version of you.
This is you --- your senior self on a Saturday afternoon."

No rush this day. Best day ever.
The chime of the Wolgy bell reminds me that you can't put a price on time.
Especially the time you have left here.
In this chair, this fall afternoon.
Time at this place, this last school year.

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