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someday's silhouette

By Saturday, October 01, 2011

**Found this poem hiding in the attic of my computer. I don't remember when I wrote it. A poem about how you lose something you never had***


The potential of us
Has as much life as a dead corpse hanging by a noose
Tied tightly by the hands of unfortunate timing
Around the bark of a tree limb
Breaking the neck
We never stuck out.
Your silhouette
Swaying in the wind
And not
From within.
Swing dancing with the leaves
Instead of keeping time
With me
Suffocated by the lack of minutes
And meetings.
The image of us,
Our lively potential.
The hand incapable to reach out
Unwilling to touch or entwine
In mine. Those finite fingers will
Take us down from those crimson red murderous limbs
And carry our corpse of
what could have been
to the grave.
So I will
Bury you beneath soil of sorrow
Lamenting the thing we lost,
Never gained.
The kind of someday
Time hung
But maybe now
If I lay you down
And allow my eyes to scurry
Along the horizon of the sky. The blue canvas
Accented with marshmallow clouds,
Cotton balls of God’s creative hand
Tissues for my tears.
I will
Give you over
To my Creator’s land
Because something beautiful will
Spring from the ground
Where my unloved heart will create its home
You, the silent observer
I, the passionate desirer
Must give up
Allow ourselves to blossom in the
Bosom of another beau
You belong there.
And I
Belong here.
But maybe Someday will
Befriend Hope
And eventually they will help Fate finds its way to echo a simple
Knock on my door,
Delivering your lively silhouette.

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